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A Family of Teachers, Coaches, Presenters

Chester (MA) had a remarkable 50-year career as a physical education teacher, coach, and presenter that began in 1952. Coaching achievements included three Ohio state championships in football and track and field. He also was the inventor of the Pull-Up Trainer that sold all around the world. His daughter Cindy (MA) had a distinguished 30-year career as a primary school teacher and presenter in an inner-ring public school district with accolades in literacy. Chet's son David (PhD) also has spent three decades as a teacher, coach, administrator, and presenter at home and abroad. He coached his volleyball team to the Eastern Mediterranean (EMAC) international championship and was the creator of the South East Asian Schools Activities Conference (SEASAC).  Chet's grandson Courtland (MA) has been a very successful teacher, coach and presenter and is currently a vice-principal at a large suburban school. As coach, he won two Arizona state championships in basketball.

Cory (19) Dave (38) Chet (76)

Note: Photo taken in 2003 when Chet was 76, Dave was 38, and Cory was 19.

Training Seminars

Our theme lies in the affective domain. We know that to get things right academically, our schools must first succeed attitudinally and behaviorally, fostering a sense of belonging and a community that is functional. With over a 100 years coaching experience in both the teaching and coaching side, we know what it takes to build a team in the field, on the court, and in the classroom.  It takes a vision and proper execution. To that end, our training seminars are designed with old fashion values mixed with contemporary educational practices. Our training methods for teachers' behavioral expectations of their students come from the award winning Center for Teaching Effectiveness. Read more at Time to Teach and contact us to set up a date and time to transform mission of your school.


We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to assist schools, whether it be in teaching, administration, or coaching. Let's connect.

Dave Rojeck, PhD

Coordinator, Fresh Eyes on Teaching


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